Interior design

Conceptualizing and producing aesthetic, functional and safe designs for interior spaces in residential, commercial, cultural, institutional and industrial buildings.

This might include; offices, hotels, restaurants, retail spaces, hospitality, healthcare, theatre set and exhibition design, domestic interiors, and so on. It may involve interiors for new buildings, or the redevelopment of existing spaces.

Home staging for more value

In the real-estate market, homeowners sometimes have to take extra steps to make a sale. For sellers trying to make a good impression, home staging has become a popular way to increase a home’s selling price and decrease selling time.

Home staging is arranging furniture and decor with the intent to showcase a home for sale. Home staging isn’t only decorating, it’s more like depersonalizing a home so that prospective buyers can imagine themselves in it.

This means adding neutral-colored paint and carpet and buying new furnitures and appliances. The goal is to make the buyer feel at home when he/she tours the property. Home staging is popular because it provides the buyer with an idea of how furniture could be placed in the home and how much space will be available when it’s furnished.

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MPR&Partners Management and Services Ltd.

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